Role of Tourism in Women’s Empowerment

DMS-GBMP | Special Issue | July-2018 | Published Online: 30 July 2018    PDF ( 173 KB )
Dr. L. Kanagalakshmi 1; E. Irene Preetha 2

1Assistant Professor, Dep. Of Management Studies, University of Madras, Chennai (India)

2Research Scholar, Dep. Of Management Studies, University of Madras, Chennai (India)


Tourism is one of the largest Industry in the world. The Industry is constructing and contributing world‟s economic power. The evolution of Tourism is not only benefiting the country‟s economic but also strengthening human development such as poverty mitigation, Women empowerment etc. Women empowerment is the wild problem in the 21st century, facing by all over the World. Women empowerment is creating opportunities to make their own decision in their family, society, workstation, etc., In order to eradicate gender discrimination among men and Women, many countries have been taken several efforts with the help of internal and external collaboration of organizations. Many laws have been implemented by the government to find out the solution for Women empowerment. Tourism Industry is also showing several path to Women’s empowerment widely. Tourism Industry is establishing opportunities for living with self-confidence, self-respect, dignity and providing proper education to Women. As compared to other organization, Tourism Industry have huge number of Women employees. The objective of the paper is to examine the parameters involve to cause Women‟s empowerment through Tourism Industry. This is conceptual based study, has taken with the intention of examining the influence of Tourism Industry in Women‟s empowerment. This study is based on secondary data analysis. Information have been collected from several websites, online journals, online news and articles etc.

Women empowerment, Women, Tourism Industry
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