Implementation of Hetroassociative Memory Neural Network for Pattern Classification

NCIDCAS | Special Issue | December-2018 | Published Online: 22 December 2018    PDF ( 232 KB )
Prof. Vaishali Kherdekar 1; Prof. Rashmi Lad 2

1MIT ACSC, Alandi (D), Pune (India)

2MIT ACSC, Alandi (D), Pune (India)


Now a day’s neural network is used for classification and clustering to improve the accuracy of result. The central idea of this paper is description of the theory, architecture, algorithm and implementation of Hetroassociative memory neural network. This paper represents what is Hebb rule and outer product rule? Hetroassociative memory neural network is useful in digital signal processing to remove the noise, classification, pattern recognition etc. In this paper we consider the pattern of letters ‘A’, ‘E’ for classification.

Hetroassociative Neural Network, ANN (Artificial Neural Network), Hebb rule, Outer Product rule
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